Masterclass David Asher

Eind September komt David Asher naar Nederland. Dat is natuurlijk fantastisch nieuws en een geweldige kans! Je kunt leren om zuivel en kaas te maken met het leven wat al in de melk en onze omgeving zit, zoals het duizenden jaren ging. En heel bijzonder om dit van David Asher te leren. David reist namelijk de wereld rond om les te geven, maar ook om zelf steeds weer te leren. David komt op plekken waar deze traditionele manier nog toegepast wordt en zo ontdekt hij steeds meer over deze oude methode. Maar liefst 2 weken lang komt David Asher les geven op de boerderij van Doetie’s Geiten in Aldwâld. Je kunt zowel de ‘Introduction Class’ als de ‘Second Level Class’  doen. De voertaal is Engels.

David Asher


David Asher is a Natural Cheesemaker,
and a leading advocate for raw milk cheesemaking.

A former farmer and goatherd from the west coast of Canada,
David now travels widely,
sharing a very old but also very new approach to cheese,
and extolling its significance during these times.
Through teaching about the use of in-house starter cultures and natural rennet,
David helps cheesemakers around the world reclaim their traditional cheeses.
He also explores the relations of all food fermentations,
and the important role of small scale and traditional cheese production
in our modern world.
David is the author of
‘The Art of Natural Cheesemaking’
and the upcoming
‘Milk into Cheese’.




5-Day Introduction to Natural Cheesemakingwith David Asher
– 30 september t/m 4 oktober-

Course Description:
From culture propagation to rennet coagulation and on to affinage, this comprehensive and hands on course covers many aspects of a natural farmhouse cheesemaking. Students can expect to learn how simple traditional methods can lead to a safe, effective, and delicious raw (or
pasteurized) milk cheesemaking; how the philosophies of fermentation of natural wine, beer, sourdough and dairy are all inter-related. There will also be discussions of the implications of raw milk cheesemaking for human health, and the complicated ethics of animal agriculture.

On the first day we learn to create and care for the cultures of our cheese. We begin with a session on dairy fermentation, covering Clabber, Keir, Amasi (an African milk beer) and a traditional cream-top yogurt.

On the second day we use our cultures and rennet to make fresh lactic cheeses such as Cream Cheese, Chevre and Faisselle as well as Geotrichum-candidum ripened, French lactic goat cheeses such as Crottin, Valençay and Saint Marcellin.

On the third day we look at rennet cheeses, preparing, in the morning, the basic curd that can become many different styles of cheese. By the afternoon, the curd’s acidity will have developed, and we’ll be able to stretch the cheese into Mozzarella, Queso Oaxaca and Burrata. We also
explore the rind ecologies that can transform the fresh cheese into a ripe Camembert.

On the fourth day we make a French Blue Cheese, Bleu d’Auvergne, and explore the cultivation of blue fungus that gives this cheese its beautiful blue eyes. On this day, we will also prepare rennet the traditional way.

And on the fifth and final day we make an Alpine cheese, and see how this one method can evolve in many different directions including Tomme and Raclette. We explore the concepts of rind washing and how it inluences the hard cheese’s evolution. And with its leftover whey we prepare
a batch of traditional Ricotta.

Five days of learning allows students to see many styles of cheese through the many stages of their evolution and provides insight into how all cheeses can evolve from the very same milk, with the same cultures and the same rennet. The course will focus on natural methods and a full circle, small-scale cheesemaking: no freeze-dried cultures or synthetic enzymes will be used in any of our makes.




5-Day Second Level Natural Cheese Making Class
– 7 t/m 11 oktober 2024 –

This second course with David Asher focuses on more challenging cheeses; those that require more careful curd handling like Brie, high temperature cooking like Comte, or more complex ripening like Stilton. It also explores the subjects of commercial adaptations of natural methods, the in-house production of rennet, and the diverse microbial ecologies of cheese to much greater degrees. The class also proposes a new theory of natural fermentation that envelops all modes of traditional food preservation including sourdough, natural wine and vegetable fermentation.

The class will offer a review of natural methods before entering into the throes of raw milk cheesemaking. In ive days we will cover a breadth of makes, including white rinded half-lactic cheeses, washed curd cheeses, two different milled curd cheeses, and a full alpine make, focusing on styles that are only hinted at in the introductory course.

We will begin by preparing hand-ladled Camemberts and Bries, learning what makes these cheeses as creamy as possible. On day two, we will make a Stilton, exploring the curd milled method that gives the cheese its beautiful blue veins.. On the fourth day, we will learn about irmer milled curd cheeses, preparing and pressing a truckle that will ripen into a cloth-bound Cheddar or naturally rinded Cantal. On the fourth day, we will wash our curds to make a small & mouldy (cat fur-ripened) Saint Nectaire. And on the inal day, we will conceive a traditional full alpine cheese, cooking the curd to a high temperature before pressing it into a massive wheel of Comté .

This second level course explores how natural methods help evolve the best characteristics in all styles of cheese. This class is for the inspired home-cheesemaker, iendish fermentor or farmstead producer wishing to improve their game and make more traditional cheeses without manufactured cultures or even commercial rennet, that’s preferably previously taken an introductory class with David Asher. It’s sure to be an ambitious and delicious week! 



2 weken lang les van David Asher.
Je kunt kiezen voor the Introduction, the second Level of natuurlijk beide.
Het is wel belangrijk om eerst de Introduction te doen en vervolgens de Second Level. 
Heb je recent een Masterclass bij David Asher gevolgd, dan kun je direct de Second Level doen. 
Heb je eerder een Masterclass van David Asher gedaan, maar het is al een tijdje geleden,
dan kan het toch wel goed zijn om de Introduction opnieuw te doen. 
Je zult deze keer weer heel veel leren en alles nog beter kunnen begrijpen en kunnen plaatsen.
Met de kennis die je nu hebt kun je wat je nu leert nog beter implementeren in de praktijk.

Wil je graag meedoen, schrijf je dan snel in, er zijn beperkt plekken. 
David Asher geeft de training dit jaar sinds 5 jaar weer in Nederland
en het kan best een tijd duren voor hij weer in Nederland komt lesgeven. 
De lesdagen duren van 8.45 tot 16.30 uur en op woensdag duurt de les langer. 
Tijdens de lesdagen is er koffie, thee, lekkers en een overheerlijke lunch van locale producten. 
Natuurlijk is er ook veel zuivel en kaas te proeven tijdens de lessen.